Winter weather can be tough on your utility bills and if your windows aren’t up to par, your costs are likely to go up. Having well-insulated windows is crucial for keeping your home warm. The less you have to rely on artificial heating, the more money you’ll save. Installing window film for your Salt Lake City home is a great way to upgrade your windows without having to replace them. Below, we’ve shared some of our recommendations for the best window films for winter.


How Window Film Can Get Your Home Ready for Winter

Think window films are only for summer? Think again! Winter is a great time of year to install window film for your Salt Lake City home because it:

  • Increases indoor light, which is a necessity during the winter
  • Keeps heat in place and fights the winter chill
  • Reduces glare, UV light exposure, and household utility costs


What Type of Window Film Is Best for Winter Weather?

Window tinting is a great way to maximize your winter comfort. But you’ll want to make sure that you’re buying the right type of film based on your needs. Here are some options that can be useful during the winter:


Low-E Window Film

Low-e window films are designed to lower the emissivity of glass, or how much heat it can emit. These are a great option for winter because they’ll help retain the heat generated by your furnace.


Daylight Redirecting Film

During the winter, you may find yourself craving more sunlight. Consider installing Daylight Redirecting Film to draw the sun deeper into your home.


Glare Reducing Film

When you put sun, cold temperatures, and snow together, what do you get? A whole lot of glare. All of that glare can hurt your eyes and put a damper on your favorite screen-viewing activities like watching TV. Glare reducing film keeps the sun’s intensity in check, providing you with just the right amount of light.


Speak to an Expert

Get your home ready for winter. Call us today to speak to an expert about window film in Salt Lake City.

Mike Kinsey is the head of operations for Salt Lake Window Tinting, one of the largest and most highly regarded window film companies in Utah. For the past decade, Mike has been using his extensive product knowledge, construction experience, and project management abilities to recommend window film solutions that help property owners achieve their architectural goals. From helping customers fight climbing energy costs to implementing effective security and branding solutions, Mike does it all. He oversees every project from start to finish and is the main point of contact for customers. Mike is certified by 3M, EnerLogic, and AIA for continuing education and is well-versed in the nuances of both commercial and residential installs.