Can Installing Security Window Film Increase My Commercial Property Value?

February 26, 2020 in Aggrigate, Commercial Window Film

Can Installing Security Window Film Increase My Commercial Property Value?
Commercial real estate here in Salt Lake City is a tough industry. Not only are there challenges from the fast market we are in—but day to day issues as well. Because of this, as an owner or manager of a commercial space here, you need to be wise with your building improvements and choose profitable ones. One such improvement, and one that is often overlooked as a way to increase the value of your investment, is security window film.

The Value In Adding Security Window Film To Your Commercial Investment

  1. Security Window Film Increases Your Property Value: Window film of any type almost always increases the value of your commercial property. Regardless of category–window film is a good investment with a high ROI: security, energy-savings, glare-reducing and more. However, with security window film, you not only save on utility bills but may also save money on your insurance premiums too.
  2. Security Window Film Increases Your Value To Your Tenants: Keeping your Salt Lake City commercial rental space free of vacancy at all times is the key to being profitable. Most businesses are looking for a safe place to operate any high value business from. This means a building with markedly better safety, i.e. one with security film as a feature, is easier to rent and stay rented,
  3. Security Window Film Increases Profitability: Security window film is designed to do primarily one job—keep you commercial space safer and reduce crime. And it does a stellar job of this. However, since security window film is an added layer on your window–it also insulates. This means a reduction in utility bills. This is how security window film pays for itself in the first few years and then puts cash back into your pocket.

To find out more about why security window film makes sense for your Salt Lake City commercial space, contact us at Salt Lake City Window Tinting to browse our selection today!

3 Reasons Window Film is a Smart Solution for your Salt Lake City Hotel

February 11, 2020 in Commercial Window Film

Everyone likes to enjoy a bit of natural light in their home or business, but not many people know about the potential harm that can be inflicted on a property as a result of being exposed to too much sunlight. For one, too much sunlight can cause wood surfaces and fabrics to fade. For another, it can expose people to potentially harmful levels of UV rays. That’s why hotels need window film in Salt Lake City!

How can window film benefit your Salt Lake City-based hotel? Let’s find out!

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3 Benefits of Installing Glare Reduction Window Film in Salt Lake City Offices

April 27, 2019 in Commercial Window Film, Glare Reducing Window Tinting

Your employees are the backbone of your business. As their manager, you want to do everything you can to make sure that your they’re taken care of, which includes providing a comfortable office to work in.

Discomfort is a huge distraction to work. If your employees are constantly battling glare on their computer monitors or lap tops, you may want to think about installing glare reduction window film.

Glare reduction window film for your Salt Lake City office is a great investment for many reasons. Not only can it help create a more comfortable work environment for your staff, but it can also benefit your business in the long run. Here’s how.

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Three Reasons to Update Your Salt Lake Hotel with Huper Optik Window Film

March 20, 2019 in Commercial Window Film

The job of a hotel manager involves many tasks. But at the end of the day, what it really comes down to is being to create an enjoyable experience for your guests. When your guests are unhappy, your reputation suffers and your hotel loses out on profits. When guests are satisfied, you get more business from return visits and referrals.

However, this is all easier said than done. Fortunately, we have a solution that may make your day to day tasks a little bit easier. It’s called Huper Optik Window Film. By upgrading your Salt Lake City hotel with window film, you can provide your guests with a more enjoyable experience.

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How LLumar Films Help Salt Lake Libraries & Museums Protect Books & Art

February 27, 2019 in Commercial Window Film, UV/UVB/ RF Blocking Window Tint, Window Tint and Film

One of the best things about living in Salt Lake City is that the weather is beautiful year round. On average, Salt Lake City receives over 220 days of sunshine every year.

While this makes for generally agreeable and pleasant days that can be spent outdoors, there is one downside. The constant sun combined with the high altitude can cause major damage to books and art.

Fortunately, there’s an easy solution. By installing uv protection window films from LLumar, Salt Lake City libraries and museums can protect their building from the sun and prevent fading.

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Keeping Students and Faculty Safe Inside Salt Lake City Schools with Safety Window Film

December 26, 2018 in Aggrigate, Commercial Window Film

Window Film For School Safety In SLC 

Window film serves a wide variety of purposes in nearly every industries and setting.  But, this amazing technology than schools is key to successful educational institutions in particular.  From Highland High School to Neumont College of Computer Science the benefits of window film are as ubiquitous as they are helpful for schools and colleges.  

While window film provides many benefits for schools in the SLC area, one could argue that the most important one is safety.  And when it comes to protection, there are many different ways that window film keeps both faculty and students in Salt Lake City safer.

Bullet And Bomb Resistance From Window Film

The most powerful and strong window film for schools is bullet and bomb resistant film. There is no such thing as “bulletproof” glass but safety and security film paired with C-bond adhesive and specialty attachment systems are a powerful combination against attacks from bullets and bombs.  It both slows down a would-be attacker giving students more time to escape and keeps glass from exploding outward where it could hurt bystanders.

Window Film For Protection From Accidents or Natural Disaster

Window film is something that keeps students and staff of Salt Lake City schools protected in the event of an accident like slip and falls.  The way window film works is similar to tempered glass. Should someone fall into the glass, it will not shatter and break into potentially dangerous shards but rather stay stuck to the glass in copious little shards–making it much less harmful.   The same holds true in the event of a natural disaster such as a tornado–the glass will stay intact on the film even when hit by high-velocity debris or winds

Window Film For UV Protection


One of the most common but quite often overlooked threats that Salt Lake City school students staff face from their untreated windows are UV rays.  The danger is not immediate but rather, over time, the rays of the sun are very harmful to both the eyes and skin of humans and be the cause of eye and skin cancers/disease.Window film blocks UV rays, reducing the impact of the sun and the risk of UV related disease.


For more information on how to keep your SLC school more safe and secure, contact us at Salt Lake Window Tinting today!


3 Simple Steps To Stop Vandalism With Anti-Graffiti Films On Your Salt Lake City Office

July 18, 2018 in Aggrigate, Commercial Window Film

How Anti-Graffiti Film Works To Stop Vandalism In Salt Lake City

Whether deliberate or unintentional, vandalism can seriously affect your company’s image and destroy your business message.  Which is why doing everything you can to prevent graffiti is a good business decision. While you can’t stop would be vandals from trying to harm your building, correspondingly no building is immune,  but there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of attack and mitigate damages already done that dovetail perfectly with our anti-graffiti window film. Below we have listed three steps for you to take to make a vandal attack on your Salt Lake City office or commercial building less likely to be struck and more resilient after being vandalized.

3 Steps To Deter And Mitigate Vandalism On Your Salt Lake City Building


Vandals just love areas that are out of the way and not closely monitored: perimeter points, unlit areas and architectural features like elevators and the perfect place to do damage.   Doing a quick lap around your property and making a list of vulnerable areas it a great way to start the process of avoiding graffiti-attacks. At Salt Lake Window Tinting we have a number of anti-graffiti films for the different surfaces that you will find: mirrors, glass, and metal.


Once you have accessed your vulnerabilities it is time to start taking steps to protect your commercial property or office space.  This includes increasing lighting in some areas, putting up security cameras in others and having anti-graffiti film applied to some of the most difficult areas to defend and remediate should vandalism occur. Graffiti film works as a sacrificial layer for these surfaces.  Since you can stop attempts at graffiti this method is proven to drastically reduce your costs once a mirrored, metal or glass surface is defaced. Our protective Metal Guard, Mirror-Guard and Glass Guard films are simply removed and replaced at a fraction of the cost of replacing the full architectural element.  We also have custom films to protect nearly any flat surface.


It is critical that you do not let graffiti sit on your property for any length of time.  This is for two reasons:

  • Leaving it on only encourages the vandal since their primary goal is to have their destruction on display. Removing the graffiti in one day by simply replacing the film takes away this satisfaction by immediately.
  • A single instance of vandalism has a ripple effect and the longer you let it sit, the more significant the overall implications of the event. Vandalism is more than just ugly it is a threat to your company’s image, the leasability of your building, and brings neighborhood values down.

Learn more about Graffiti Sheild in the video below:

Anti-graffiti film allows you to cost-effectively take the steps to immediately remedy graffiti and keep your business running in the process.  This saves you money, retains clients and makes the businesses around you happy as well.

Contact us Salt Lake Window Tinting today for more information on your amazing anti-graffiti films for your Salt Lake City commercial space today!