3 Reasons to Use Window Film For Business Graphics and Advertising

October 4, 2021 in Aggrigate, Privacy And Decorative Window Film

Almost every business has glass windows and doors in the front of its establishment. Using these transparent features and other flat surfaces in innovative ways is a fantastic way to promote your business. Decorative window film is one of the most gorgeous and cost-effective methods to accomplish this. These amazing films can convert a drab front window into a beautiful, appealing sales display as well as a branding tool for businesses large and small. Furthermore, decorative advertising film has several more significant advantages for commercial spaces here in Salt Lake City. Read on to learn about some of them!

Advertising With Window Film

Decorative Window Film Benefit 1

Advertising Window Film is 100% Customizable: Decorative window film may be utilized by any sort of business vertical–especially those open to walk-ins. This is because these outstanding films are easily customizable and changed out on demand. You may create any style design with advertising window film. Logos and company information such as hours of operation can be featured on your  Salt Lake City space’s front door windows or a bright seasonal display. The only constraint is your own creativity when it comes to advertising with decorative window film—not feeling inspired? Allow us to come up with a design for your business front.

Decorative Window Film Benefit 2

Advertising Window Film Blocks UV Rays: Decorative films are great for branding glass windows, but they’re also an excellent method to keep the sun out. These lovely high-definition films not only filter out 99.9 percent of the harmful UV radiation, but they also serve two purposes: maintaining temperatures and protecting interiors from being destroyed by UV radiation.   This is critical in a city like SLC that sees a lot of sunshine.

Decorative Window Film Benefit 3

Advertising Window Film Brings in Customers: Window film is definitely something to consider if your vertical requires walk-ins to thrive. They’re one of the most powerful and cost-effective methods to promote your business and encourage people to pop in. Advertising films set you apart from other brands in visually “noisy” spaces. They advertise for your location while also providing top-of-mind attention to those who see your display.

At Salt Lake Window Tinting, we have designers ready to make a powerful visual masterpiece for your Salt Lake City commercial space–contact us today to reserve a free, on-site consultation.


Creative Ways to Use Window Film in Your Salt Lake City Remodel

October 1, 2021 in Aggrigate, Residential Window Film

Home improvements are a great way to build equity fast. Even minor renovations can make a big difference in the value of your home and also boost its curb appeal.

Updating your home requires time and money, but there are many affordable ways to get it done. There are lots of tricks you can use to save money.

For example, window films are a great option for Salt Lake City remodels on a budget. With window film, you can update windows and surfaces in your home affordably and give it a fresh, modern look. Continue reading »

Beautiful Ways to Use Privacy Window Film in Your Salt Lake City Home

August 24, 2021 in Aggrigate, Privacy And Decorative Window Film, Residential Window Film

If you own a home with big street facing windows, you probably appreciate all the natural light you get. At the same, being exposed to the world around you can be an unnerving feeling. You never know who is watching or what kind of intentions they have.

Instead of covering up your big beautiful windows, you should consider installing privacy window film for your Salt Lake City home. With privacy film, you can get the privacy and security you need without sacrificing natural light.

Below, we’ve listed some of our favorite ways to use privacy film in home interiors. Continue reading »

Should I Get Insulating Window Film Installed in Summer?

August 10, 2021 in Aggrigate, Commercial Window Tinting, Residential Window Film

When you think of insulation for your Salt Lake City home–the first thing that comes to mind is usually the cold. The winters here can get frigid, which is why we get a lot of customers who only think about getting window film in the winter. However, window tints and films are useful all year round. Not only will they insulate your windows in winter and summer, but they offer many other benefits 360 days a year.  

Additional Benefits of Insulating Window Film

Besides keeping heated air in during the summer, window film will also keep cooled air in during the winter. This adds up to a lot of benefits for homes with this amazing technology applied to it.

Year-round savings with window film:  One of the most significant benefits of window film is the money you will save with it! It will lower utility bills dramatically–saving you money every month. It will also make your HVAC systems run more efficiently. This means they will break down less often and require fewer costly repairs.

Better security with window film: Window film is an added layer of protection against crimes like break-ins. The film keeps the glass adhered to itself even after the glass is broken. This means a thief will have to work longer and harder to get in. In most cases, a burglar will move on rather than make any more noise by attracting attention trying to get through the window.

More Home Comfort With Window Film: When your Salt Lake City home windows keep heated and cooled, air trapped inside the temperatures are more even. This eliminates those pesky hot and cold spots that can make your house uncomfortable. This also means you won’t have to deal with rooms that are too hot to use during the summer or too cold in the winter.  

For more information or pricing on window film for your Salt Lake City home, contact us today.

What is Whiteboard Film?

May 26, 2021 in Aggrigate, Glare Reducing Window Tinting

A new trend is emerging in the office and education worlds and other industries. It is something called whiteboard films and it alleviates a lot of the issues with traditional freestanding whiteboards and/or permanent whiteboard fixtures. These films basically go on any flat surface (glass, walls, doors) making them a whiteboard. Many of these films are DIY but to be truly effective they should be installed by a professional film company. Not only is the quality of film higher but they will last longer too. Plus, you are guaranteed to reap all the benefits below as collaborate, take notes and express yourself on these amazing whiteboard surface films!

 The Benefits of Whiteboard Films

  1. Customizable in shape and size: One of the problems with traditional whiteboards is they are usually large and can only be put in certain places. Since whiteboard film is applied on top of flat surfaces–they can be put almost anywhere! Plus, your institution can put have them cut and applied to virtually any size, shape, or configuration–so your creativity is your only limit.
  2. The most attractive whiteboard option: Let’s face it, freestanding whiteboards are bulky and not very nice to look at crammed in a space. Permanent whiteboards hung on walls end up stained and messy looking with marks that never go away. Worse yet, even if your board stays clean, one accidental mark with a permanent marker or pen means replacement–but replacing them is expensive. With whiteboard window film in your Salt Lake City school or business, you simply have the film removed and replaced at a fraction of the price! 
  3. Easy to maintain: When you have whiteboard films by 3M Whiteboard applied you will never have to deal with permanent ghosting (marks left behind over time from marker). They can be used extensively for years with no residue. This saves you money and time trying to remove unsightly marks that never go away. 

For more information on how you can maximize your space and save money on whiteboard replacement, contact us at Salt Lake City Window Tinting for pricing on whiteboard films in Salt Lake.

Could Glare Be a Workplace Safety Issue?

April 18, 2021 in Aggrigate, Glare Reducing Window Tinting

When it comes to keeping businesses safe here in the Salt Lake City area–we often think of our safety and security windows films. They keep shattered glass in place after a high-velocity blow or fall–protecting employees. But, as we have seen throughout the years, there is more to keeping workers safe than just protecting them from random attacks and falls. Creating a harm-free environment is part of that too. As it were, there is a silent, slower threat to the employees of your Salt Lake City offices, restaurants, hotels, retail stores, and more–glare.

Why Glare May be Violating OSHA Workplace Standards

Glare is defined as:

“visual conditions in which there is excessive contrast or inappropriate distribution of light sources that disturb the observer or limits the ability to distinguish details and objects.”

We are betting more people can think of more than a few places in their work environment that fit that description exactly. OSHA’s require employers to provide good lighting–which can’t be excessive. Under this definition glare sure sounds like a workplace hazard. But there is more. 

Why Glare is So Dangerous in Salt Lake City Workspaces

Excessive sun and glare are dangerous anywhere. Here in SLC, the stakes are higher because of the elevation. Glare from windows causes not only an annoyance but harm to employees including:

  • Eye Strain
  • Headaches
  • UV Radiation Exposure
  • Sunburn
  • Neck and Shoulder Strain
  • Blurry Vision

All of these make for a poor working environment, employees that are tardy or absent more frequently and less productive too!

Window Film: The Solution to Glare on Workplace Windows

The best way to stop glare on windows at your business while still letting in natural light and keeping employees safe and happy is through window film. It stops the excessive light that causes eye, skin, and muscle ailments and keeps screens clear. It also blocks 99.9% of harmful UV radiation keeping your employees better protected from cancer and diseases of the eyes and skin. Window tinting is a wonderful and affordable technology and one that will pay for itself via utility savings and human resource preservation many times over.

For more information on window film for your Salt Lake City business contact us at Salt Lake Window Tinting today!


Surface Film Applications You See Every Day But Don’t Know It

January 21, 2021 in Aggrigate, Surface Films

It’s funny, you likely walk around Salt Lake City and pass right by surface films and don’t even know it! A lot of our customers are surprised just how many surfaces besides glass have films on them. This is why we sell both window films and we specialize in surface films too. Surface films are films relatively inexpensive and can be applied to non-transparent features such as walls, elevators, and other architectural features. This will breathe new life and/or style into your commercial space.

Hidden Surface Films That Work Wonders

Metal Films on Elevators: When elevators here in Salt Lake City and across the US get struck with graffiti frequently. It is frustrating for building owners and incredibly hard and expensive to remove. This is why many building managers come to us for metallic surface films that go over the damage. It is much less expensive than traditional elevator repairs, plus, can be easily removed and replaced when/if vandalism happens again.

Mirrored Films on Mirrors: If you have ever seen a bathroom mirror with graffiti on it–you know how bad it looks. It gives upstanding businesses a bad name. But sometimes graffiti stays on mirrors because replacing commercial mirrors is surprisingly expensive. We provide building owners access to mirrored films. They go over the graffiti and seamlessly match the mirrored surface. In fact, you would never know it is there. This saves Salt Lake City commercial spaces time and money in repairs.  

Resurfacing Films on Walls and Architectural Features: Any public Salt Lake City surface gets worn down from everyday use. Eventually these damages add-up and make the building look old and ugly. Walls, trim, metallic framing–all are areas that are prone to dings, scratches, and scuffs. The cost of renovating a commercial space adds up fast. However, there is another way. Resurfacing films, like Di-Noc, go right over affected surfaces and give commercial spaces a whole new look! Plus, they are far more affordable and simple than a remodel.

Contact us to see our catalog of high-quality surface films!

The Importance of UV Protection Window Film for Salt Lake City Businesses

January 6, 2021 in Aggrigate, UV/UVB/ RF Blocking Window Tint

Even though there can be a lack of sun during the winter months, there is still a significant UV radiation concern. Business owners can often forget about harmful UV rays during this time of year. However, UV rays can actually be worse during these months. If there’s snow on the ground, UV rays will bounce right off them back into your property. That increases your commercial property’s exposure to harmful UV radiation which can cause serious sun damage and impact building occupant health. UV protection window film offers an important solution for keeping Salt Lake City businesses safe.

The Benefits of UV Protection Window Film for Your Salt Lake City Business

UV protection window film works by combatting all of the elements that cause fading and sun damage. This revolutionary film blocks both UVA and UVB rays and can provide up to 99.9% protection. In addition to blocking UV radiation, it also rejects solar heat gain. This protection alleviates fading, discoloration, distortion, and other sun damage. Business owners can defend their storefront merchandise, expensive equipment, furniture, flooring, and anything that sits within direct sunlight. This keeps all of your valuables looking fresh and prolonging product life. Commercial property owners can also take advantage of the UV protection for keeping building occupants healthy. Overexposure to UV radiation can lead to serious health risks including skin cancer, cataracts, immune system suppression, premature aging, and much more. Since building occupants usually forget to wear sunscreen while inside, this can provide a serious benefit for employees and guests.

Work With Salt Lake City’s Industry-Leading UV Protection Window Film Contractor

Salt Lake Window Tinting is honored to be the industry-leading UV protection window film contractor serving the state of Utah. We’re happy to help you find better ways of saving money and protecting your commercial property. Contact us today!

Does Energy Efficient Window Film Save Salt Lake City Homes Money?

December 17, 2020 in Aggrigate, Energy Efficient Window Tinting

A question we get frequently from Salt Lake City homeowners is–does window tint really save me money? The answer is–in our experience and that of our clients–yes. There are also numerous studies showing that window film puts money back in people’s pockets each year. But, not only does window film save you money, it does so in 3 distinctively different ways. Keep reading to better understand all the ways window film will help your Salt Lake City home be more efficient and save you money.

The three ways energy-efficient window film saves homeowners money

  1. Energy Efficient Window Film Saves Homeowners on Heating and Cooling Bills: Owning a home is expensive. As any homeowner knows, there is always something that needs to be fixed or improved and they all cost money. This is why saving on utility bills is critical. Energy-efficient window film which cuts back on solar heat gain on windows by up to 55%. It also increases insulation, making it a great idea. Even better, it could save you up to 15% on your utility bills each year but could also qualify you for tax rebates. Finally, it has a quick ROI–paying for itself in as little as three years!
  2. Energy Efficient Window Films Saves Homeowners on HVAC Repairs: Repairs to heating and cooling systems cost a lot. So avoiding putting too much strain on your HVAC systems whenever possible is a good idea. However, the result of heated and cooled air escaping out untreated windows is forcing these systems to work harder. When heating and cooling systems are overworked, they simply break down faster. This requires more frequent and costly repairs. So when you have energy-efficient window film installed, it not only saves you money on heating and cooling but reduces the load on your HVAC system. Saving you on these repairs. 
  3. Energy Efficient Window Film Saves Homeowners on Lighting Bills: Most energy-efficient window films are designed to insulate windows by insulating or reducing solar heat gain. There are, however, window films targeted towards manipulating sunlight too. These films, called daylight redirecting films, cut back on lighting costs by reducing the need for light inside your building. It sends sunlight deeper inside your structure. This saves you even more money in lighting bills.

 Here at Salt Lake Window Tinting, we carry many energy-efficient films from those that cut back on glare to those that read direct sunlight further into your Salt Lake City home. Contact us to schedule a free on-site estimate for your home and start saving today!